Even though much criticism of churches is deserved, being active in a church community means, according to much independent research, that people (especially children) will have more friends, have better physical and emotional health, and be more likely to make positive contributions to society.
This research simply echoes what God has already told us: we are created to live in community. Common Ground seeks to help people to connect with one another. In addition to our regular study groups that meet, we regularly meet in other informal ways. We invite you to join us--not to be a part of our church, but to be a part of our church community.
We Learn
At Common Ground, the Bible is our guide to spiritual life and practice. We have regular Bible Studies, both on Sunday mornings and during the week. We also offer classes on a variety of topics such as family life, spiritual growth, and fiction.
We Play
We have certainly enjoyed our Vacation Bible School through the years! Who has more fun - the kids or the adults? We get into the theme with decorations and costumes. Learning about Jesus can be so much fun!
We've had Ice Cream Socials...complete with taste-testing, make-your-own contests, with winners receiving the "Golden Scoop" trophy...and Golf Outings, with the winning team receiving the "Golden Tee"! Plus, our Bowling Nights have been a hoot - not to be outdone, there is sometimes a trophy involved - the "Pin" - although not golden!
Our Fall Fests have been so much fun for our families and friends - with Trunk-or-Treating, sometimes with pumpkin carving, and always with wagon rides, costumes, and food! Our potluck dinners, or any events that include food, have proven that the culinary talents of our members are exceptional.
We also enjoy Bingo, Movie Nights, Game Nights, Sing-a-longs, Advent Galas, the Goodness Grows Family Fun Fest, Summer Fun Days, Youth events, fellowship before and after Worship...and much more!
We Serve
God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (The Message)
Christians are called to love the world, not circle their wagons and only care about each other. We want Common Ground to be a blessing to as many people as possible -- whether or not they belong to this community of faith. We’re keeping our organizational structure as simple and streamlined as possible so that our people can spend more time with their families, neighbors, and community. Listed below are some local service organizations that are doing great work and would welcome volunteers at anytime.
What're our worship services like? Our non-denominational worship services invite everyone to participate in different ways. We might read a Bible passage aloud together. We might take a moment to ask everyone to write something down. We might ask folks to sit silently in reflection. One major rule we go by, however: no one will be put on the spot or made to feel uncomfortable.
What's our music like? At Common Ground we believe music is as important as the sermon in helping people connect to God and to one another. Like our worship in general, our music draws from varied traditions. We don’t throw away the great hymns of the faith simply because they're old. What we do, however, is rearrange the old tunes so they are easier for the average person to sing or listen to. Many new songs and choruses are being written today and we select the best from this burst of creativity.
Our worship services are planned by a group of people, not by one minister alone. We regularly seek input from everyone about how our worship practices are helping or hindering growth.