Seeking to reflect the unconditional love of God, our mission is to help people connect - to God, to one another, and to God's purpose for the world.
Our Values Creativity: Made in the image of God, we all have a creative impulse within us. As our world continues it's rapid changing, healthy creative responses are required. In every way we can, we seek to cultivate creativity and optimism.
Feet-on-the-Ground Faith: While we know that Jesus will return some day, we are not obsessed with how things are going to end; nor do we intend to get caught up in controversies about trivial theological matters. We seek to live as Jesus lived, with feet planted firmly on the ground.
Serious About Faith, Not Ourselves: A dangerous disease lurks around religious people: pride. To inoculate ourselves from this dreaded disease, we regularly remind ourselves that we are made of the same stuff everyone else is. We also give ourselves permission to make fun of ourselves--especially if we get a whiff of stuffiness.
There's a Point to Life . . . and to Common Ground: We're not participating to make anybody happy, or because we'll feel guilty if we don't; we participate because we enjoy gathering as God's people and celebrating what God has done and is doing. We believe that by doing so, we will be better people who will make a positive difference in the world. We seek to live for the common good.
Living For the Present and Future, Not the Past: We keep our eyes on the horizon, instead of always looking over our shoulders. While we have deep roots in an ancient tradition, we believe we owe it to the world and to our children to not live in the past. We want to pass on a vital and vibrant faith to our children and will pursue the necessary innovation to reach that goal.
All-Member Ministry: In Christ's church, all people have a gift to exercise. We are committed to helping all people discover their God-given talents.
Core Strength: In an already fragmented world, unity among Christians is a powerful witness. At Common Ground we emphasize the core -- what most Christians in most places have believed through the ages.