Connecting Life Church & Common Ground Church Community are partnering to give support to two local families in need. Now through December 13th we are collecting donations through Connecting Life Church's Mission Giving Option. Here are brief descriptions of the two families we are helping this Christmas:
We are helping a single mother of two who is dealing with a rare kidney disorder that she was diagnosed with following the birth of her new baby. Due to the illness, she had to give up her job in education. We want to bring the gift of joy to her and her children this Christmas.
We are also helping a family who has faced devastating trials. This family not only lost their father to Covid-19 in early October, but then lost their house to fire in late October. We are helping this new widow and her three children get back on their feet.
We need your help! You may give safely and securely on the Connecting Life Church Giving link below. Click "Give" and choose the "Mission" giving option from the drop down menu. Church office staff and Goodness Grows folks are available Monday thru Friday from 8:30am-2:00pm if you would prefer to stop by and drop off a donation. Our goal is $5,000.00 dollars! Your generosity is tax deductible for 2020. Thank you for your partnership in helping spread God's love through generosity this Christmas season!