Gather at 9:30am for Bible Breakout classes for all: Bible Breakout Tots (Ages 0-5) Bible Breakout Kids (Ages 6-10) Bible Breakout Teens (Ages 11-17) Bible Breakout Adults
Fellowship Time will be held at 10:20am, for food and conversation. Family Worship will begin at 11am. Join us as all ages learn and worship and serve together!
Kids of all ages are most welcome in the worship service, but we will still provide Nursery care for the littlest family members (ages 0-2) for those who prefer to use it. Our Sprouts Room can be utilized during the service as a "Cry Room" by parents/caregivers with their children who may need to step out and regroup for any reason.
Building disciples within individual families and in the church family as a whole.
A message from Pastor Mike:
"But Jesus asked the children to come to him. Let the little children come to me, he said. Don't keep them away. God's kingdom belongs to people like them." Luke 18:16
See how much fun it can be to learn about God. Come Grow With Us!
From the beginning, we determined that we would be a child-friendly community. We want to pass on the faith to the next generation. Reaching this goal won't be done by doing things the same old way. The challenges are tougher. We're excited that our children's ministry is led by a creative team of people who engage the children in exciting ways.
We're blessed with unusual "classrooms" -- almost 30 acres of woods, greenhouses, gardens, a creek, and much more. We are still working to develop this site's tremendous potential.
Children also benefit tremendously by experiencing and participating in Worship. Much is gained by observing others in worship (Adults can benefit just as much by having children involved!) and life-long traditions begin to be established. Even when the kids seem to not pay attention, or you think the material is over their heads, they absorb more than we give them credit for. And, as it says in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."